Can we dynamically display form fields on we web based on the object key values?

Can we dynamically display form fields on we web based on the object key values?

Yes. Bind the form field’s display to the object key value. if the value is != null or “”, then display the form field.

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Did not get your solution
What actually i want is assume i have a object like this

based on the type i want to render the fields is this possible?

Yes. So for example I want this form field to be displayed only when id is 1162.

So I bind the display as such:

can we also mention the type like input field or text fields?

Not getting you, but you can bind to the type key of your object variable too!

@raelyn Here we have this input type this is set to short answer now in case we supply this type from an object say like this
‘type’:‘short answer’,
from the above object can we set the type of form field?

No. The only way is to create both types of form field and then display it according to the type value.

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@raelyn Do we have any other way to achieve this
The form details based on data type
like example from backend we get data type as text then we insert a text field in form
in case we get data type as input we can insert a input field in the form can we have the form dynamically rendered ?