Api's not working

for the past few hours, none of my API connections are working. is anyone else having the same issue?

tack: “Error: Request failed with status code 403 at e.exports (https://editor-cdn.weweb.io/public/js/chunk-vendors.f83c0b3b.js:64:1241) at e.exports (https://editor-cdn.weweb.io/public/js/chunk-vendors.f83c0b3b.js:97:3739) at XMLHttpRequest.w (https://editor-cdn.weweb.io/public/js/chunk-vendors.f83c0b3b.js:257:2151)”

Hi @nocodedevs,

403 errors indicate an issue with the server:

Did you change anything on the server side?

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i didn’t but it started working again!

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