I’ve been getting this error message quite a few times today. Has anyone else seen this? If so - do you know what causes it?
I usually get that when I have a bad filter or query in my request. Have you tried checking?
Thanks Micah. I should have given more info. I’m using Xano as back end. The API’s work fine in Run & Debug. But when I fetch the collection in Weweb, I get that error. Did you mean bad filter/query in the API endpoint itself (in Xano) or did you mean filtering in weweb. My weweb collection doesn’t use filters.
An error status code and an error message from the network tab should tell you everything you need to know.
thanks Broberto. Ray Deck & I looked at the network tab last night, and it was showing an error he wasn’t familiar with.
Got it working. In the config for the Request I had Include credentials (cookies) turned on. Once I turned that off, it worked as expected. Because the Xano endpoint requires Authentication I thought I need to have that set to on. Adding @raydeck so he can see how I finally got it to work! Thanks again for your help guys.
If it was a 4XX error, that’s an obvious Auth thing That’s why I asked. Glad you solved it