Animation while app is loading

hey! I am working on a project that uses a rest API toGET s data when a user enters a param. Since the API is quite lazy, I would like to show some sort of Lottie animation (or even a text popup) while the data loads so that the user knows that the app is working in the background. Is there a way to implement a Lottie animation or something similar to accomplish this?

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The collection has a variable called isFetching. This variable is set to true when the API is being fetched.

You can create a loading element in your project. Any animated Gif, or text, or there are Loaders the WeWeb supplies in the Elements and Templates.

Set the Display property of the loading element based on the isFethcing variable of your collection.


thanks, this is how I set it up

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That’s perfect. Now, you can do the opposite of that for your data that you want to show when the data is done loading…



thank you, kevin!