Additional fields for a page


i have no Role-System from Weweb, because i have only the starter-plan.
So i have to check the roles from my user for the pages with an pageworkflow.
i give a variable a value and check cross, if the user has the value in his userroles (get with fetch user). that works.
but i must start the workflow from pagelevel to give a variable the value, what roles belong to the page.

i like to make a workflow on applevel from this, but i dont find a way to check globally, what roles belong to a specific page.

i can build a pagetable in xano an fetch this data in the global workflow, but it would be much easier, if the page can save some additional infos (like an array with roles).
but i only find the possibility to get the name or id or the folder as information of the current page.

is there a way to put some extradata to the page and get them in a workflow?

thanks for ideas.

You can create app level workflows. In the top bar under Settings you have the option.

Hi Himanshu,

thanks for you answer.
But my question was not, where to build app-workflows. i know that.

If i use an app-workflow, the workflow must know, on what page it runs.
For that i have to apply an array of data to a page, which is readable from insite of the workflow.
I dont know, if i can put data to a page to use in an app-workflow, so that the workflow can run with this data.

for now i use page-level-workflows. the workflow set an variable with the data and starts then a global workflow, that works on with that data.
but in this way i must build a starting workflow on every page…

i hope, i can make it more clear, what i mean.

Hi all,
i found a solution.
i take a global object-variable with the pagename as key and the pageroles as value. there i store all pages that need roles.
in the global workflow i can get the info by grabbing with the current page name.