Is it possible to create a workflow that fires when a page is loaded, like bubble?
I would like to create a workflow that adds PV count data when an article is loaded.
Is it possible to create a workflow that fires when a page is loaded, like bubble?
I would like to create a workflow that adds PV count data when an article is loaded.
Hi @hiroto ,
this is on our roadmap to add lifecycle to add workflow on every different key moment of the app (like onPageLoad).
The onPageLoad one is high on our roadmap because it is often ask to initial variable.
So keep an eye on our Changelog
I’m so looking forward to this!
hi, any update on this?
Yessss! We’re aiming to release this update in week 10 or 11 depending on how testing goes
waiting for it , thanks
hi Joyce , any update on this?
Great timing for the follow up @Yogendra!
Global workflows are live as of 26 minutes ago
I’ll be releasing a tutorial on this next week. Let me know if there’s anything you find unintuitive and think I should focus on in the tutorial!