Adding npm libry to weweb

Hello everyone!
We are new to ‘weweb’, and we are still learning it all.
actually we are migrating our apps from full ‘no-code’ platform to ‘weweb’ and ‘xano’.
There is a capability that we would really like to have for our customers, and it is in a third party service - Apryse.
To set it up on our system, we need to install an npm library on the frontend.
Is and how can it be done on weweb?
this is a link to the documentation of the service:

Thank you very much for your help!

You can have a look at the developer documentation to see how to integrate custom components with weweb.

You can also add custom code in the page header but it will work only in the deployed app.

Thanks @dorilama!
My dev team will definitely check this out.