Add/contribute new language to the calendar element?


The calendar element allows for a few languages (such as English and Portugese), but I’d like to add Dutch to this (or just customize my own element). Is this possible and how?

Thank you!


Hello, you could fork the calendar and import it as a custom component with a new language probably.

Hi @Broberto (nice name btw :slight_smile: ),

Your solution sounds promising, but could you please help me on my way to understanding how to ‘fork the calendar and import it as a custom element’ ?



Hello, I just looked up the code for the ww-calendar and it should be possible for the WeWeb team to add more locales, they’re already there, they just need to get imported I saw @Alexis worked on it last time. I think you might want to just simply open a request at and the team could handle this pretty fast even (I think).

The alternative would be to get the code for the calendar and adding those few lines required for this to work (forking as I mentioned), but I think it’s not that appropriate in this case, it also is a way, if you really really need it, but you’d probably need to put the work into it to accomplish this.

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I added the language for you :slight_smile: