Hi, Can anyone provide me with details on how to access bases, tables and records from Airtable using
wwLib in javascript?
So far I’m able to list bases and tables via getBases() and getTables() but how do I get the records, update them, etc. Is this documented somewhere or how would I explore published properties and functions from the airtable object?
Hi, why do you need to call theses actions in javascript ? Be aware getBases and getTables are only available in the editor, not in the published app.
Please, be very careful when you use wwLib, its not intended to be a public API, only the snippet shared by the WeWeb team are safe to use. The rest could be updated over time and break your webapp.
A more safest option would be to wrap your airtable action inside a global workflow and call your global workflow in javascript with wwLib.executeWorkflow(workflowId, parameters) (still, getBases and getTables will not be available, they are editor-only methods!)
This one is an officially supported method. We will take care of provide a complete documentation of the public api in the near future.
Reason for this that I have tables that will be deleted and added over time and needed to fetch them and get their data for my workflow. If I created collection then they will be fixed to a particular base/table. Also, thank you for clarifying on the use of wwLib and I hope that this is not applicable to using it on supabase.instance as I have this to call store procedures.
Exposing supabase instance is on purpose, so you are safe.
The only update may be when we go to the version 2 of the SDK, but most signature are the same