Xano auth - how to implement refresh token

I currently have the token expiration in Xano set to 12hr, but I’m starting to get feedback from users asking why they have to login again in the middle of working in the app (field inspections).

I saw this post about refresh tokens: Token base auth : best flow to handle refresh token - #2 by vwasteels

And this one: https://community.xano.com/ask-the-community/post/revoke-authenification-sQgv7NaHCS98RF4

Can this be implemented when using the Xano Auth plugin? I’m confused on how to setup a workflow in WeWeb to trigger when the auth token expires that then requests a new one using the refresh token?


I’ll pop this topic up. I’ve avoided using Xano for a while and now I’m shocked by the count of difficulties I met after Supabase.