Why do all the buttons activate when I only clicked 1? how do I stop it?

I created an active state for some buttons.
the buttons need to be dynamically generated from a list (thats tomorrow steves problem)
right now, when I click 1 button, allll the buttons click and get activated.
I tried stacking the buttons in 1 column, 1 button per row, using flex boxes instead of buttons and I think thats it.
My workflow is true false split. if buttonIsActive=false become true, if its true, become false.
but all buttons become true or false at the same time.

Any ideas? I obviously only want 1 button to be active at a time.

sounds like you have linked all the buttons to one variable and if the variables is true there active otherwise there are not I think you need an array where if array[0] = true button in position 1 is true.

if this isn’t helpfull maybe reword your question and include some images of your set up and what you would like to occur

Buttons are stateless when you repeat them dynamically, you need to dynamically turn them on, or use a component, then they’ll have their internal logic.

ok, Ill have to look into how to generate the buttons from a list first then Ill come back to this. I, sometimes , am not sure it which order I should face my tasks
Ive only been in the software a little under 3 weeks but with 15+ hour days I thought I would be further along in understanding it. The xano side is killing me.
thanks for all your help everyone.


You can do it man, at this point you’re one of us

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I appreciate that, thank you