What version of the Supabase SDK is used in WeWeb

Hi, I need some help in identifying the Supabase SDK version being used in WeWeb as I’m currently working with Supabase support about an issue I’m experiencing while enrolling phone MFA. When calling the enroll method I’m getting “Phone number required to enroll Phone factor” even when parameter ‘phone’ with a valid number is passed. Thank you

According to the WeWeb’s Github it could be 2.43.5 (plugin-supabase/package.json at 53d3f3bbf96abd53f5cd737e7670a08c5007b974 · weweb-assets/plugin-supabase · GitHub)

Thank You!

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WeWeb Support Team,

After some investigation, it appears that the version of Supabase used in the WeWeb plugin (2.43.5) does not support the MFA phone factor. However, I tested this functionality using Node.js with both versions 2.43.5 and 2.48.0, and found that it works correctly in version 2.48.0.

Please let me know if there’s a way to update the plugin to use the newer version of Supabase or if there are any workarounds available. I will be submitting this as a ticket too.

Thank you

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Yeah I think it will be easier to reach them via a ticket. They’re super busy with AI features rn though, so I think it could take a while.

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I hope I can find some help in the community as I got a response from the ticket I raised

"Answer from WeWeb
Hello, it’s not plan for now to update the version of Supabase. For a workaround, you can ask in our chat support if you have a partner or business plan at workspace level. Or in our community https://community.weweb.io/"

Anyone with some clever ideas on how to workaround this (without relying on other Auth products or compromising security) as this feature is essential to the product I’m working on? I would think updating 2.43.5 to 2.48.0 is just a trivial matter as it is not a major release and Supabase support stated this was due to a bug in 2.43.5

Thanks in advance!