What is the best way to debug formulas?

For example, if I just wanted to debug only a section of my formula, do I have to take apart the whole formula just to isolate the expression?

Thats typicaly how I do it I find if the forumla is any more complicated then what you have written there I will use js to segment it out more.

looking at your code I think your missing some brackets thought as the or is only looking at the first expression after it. which is the roundDownToDay(). what you want I think is or (roundDownToDay()!= roundDownToDay())

Ahh, thank you. Actually my formula was working, but for some reason when I switch the order to “roundDownToDay…” or “item.index=0”, the “roundDownToDay…” gets an error on repeatedItems index 0 because there is no item for index -1.

This was difficult to isolate for me because this conditional was used as part of a conditional rendering for repeatedItems. So the element item with the value I wanted to check kept disappearing from the Weweb editor and there was no way to force the display