What do projectId and filesVersion refer to?


I’m trying to set up a local instance of weweb-server and sample project files.

I am unsure what projectId and filesVersion refer to. Are they settings on the weweb console?



For local storage, FILES_PATH should start with ./ else distant storage will be used. You can use two variables in the path that can be found in the name of the ZIP of the project :

  • :projectId
  • :filesVersion

Ex: ./projects/:projectId/:filesVersion will fetch the frontend project’s files localy. FILES_PATH should end without a / .

For context, I’m trying to use the sample code in the built_project_files.zip file.

Hi @gcpdev,

To use the weweb server you need to have a workspace with the right plan.
projectId is the id of the project you want to self host (you can find it in the dashboard url of the project)
filesVersion is the publish version of the project.

Both are available in the name of the zip file that you can download in the dashboard of the project.