Using url queries in the same page to fetch data

Hi, I have the page called “/orders” and a table with orders.
I’m trying to achieve the following…

  1. When an user clicks on one of the items, this updates the page url adding the query but stays in the same page: /orders?open_order=“this is the order uid”
  2. This url query opens a popup that shows the order information, and the order information comes from a Supabase collection called “Current Order” that loads all the orders and filters only the one with the same uid than the url query.

When I do this, the popup opens, but the supabase collection remains the same until I refresh the page.

Is there any other way to achieve this, without changing to other page or refreshing the same page?

Did you try using a fetch on the Supabase collection?

Yes, I added to the work flow “fetch collection on parallel” but is not working

You mean the collection fetch isn’t working at all?

Correct, only works when I reload the page for this particular collection, I sent you a dm with the video

Please report a bug on, we’ll have a look!