URL parameters doesn't work on staging

Hi all

Context : I create pricing simulator for our site.
Need : I would to like create a deeplink from product description page to my simulateur ( complete automatically somes fields)
I added in my URL one parameter “Select_produit” with product ID . All is ok through Editor, but when I test on staging it doesn’t work.

On a first screen you can see that it works through Editor.

How do that ? I have workflow on page load and I check if parameter is present or not and I load data needed.

Seconde video is on staging. Loading… never stop.

Workflows seems working well

If somebody as solution :slight_smile:

Many thanks

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I think I’ve got a similar issue. Quick video demonstration here.

EDIT: this is both on staging and published domain.

Ok so I’ve tested with query parameters instead of URL paths, and it works as expected. Not sure why URL paths do not work when directly navigating to the page though.

Here it is:

  1. Remove URL paths:

  2. On the workflow you use to navigate to the page, use queries instead:

  3. At this point, on the destination page, I’ve implemented a workflow that grabs this query param and queries the backend for the specific result, then store it in a local variable. But there are other ways as well. Here’s my workflow:

And here’s the the action that uses the query param:

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Many thanks it works fine.

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