Update collection attached to multiselect field (with tags) automatically as the user types (as with search field)


How can we make the collection attached to a multiple select field load dynamically as the user types in the field?

In case, for example, I want to let the users search for a city in the world, and I want to allow them to select multiple cities as tags.

I can’t load the whole table in the collection cause it’s huge (contains around 150K entries).


Hi @AmAb :wave:

You would need a backend filter on your collection so for example, a collection that expects a “search” value.

On the multi-select, you’ll need to enable advanced options and searchable:

Then, you could have a workflow “on change” on the select so that the collection is fetched with the search value when the user starts typing. Make sure to include a short delay in the workflow to streamline the API calls when the user is typing.

Does that make sense?

Thank you for your reply @Joyce

I tried this, but the issue is that in the tags mode, the value of the select is only set when a selection is made (aka the tag is added). The value of the select is not updated as the user is typing.

Have you tried it?

Hi @AmAb :wave:

Ah, my bad! I thought I’d made it work that way in a prior project but maybe not. I might have been playing around with the “Search with results” element instead. Have you tried that?

It requires a bit of work to style the options as you’d like but it can be very powerful and has the debounce in-built. One drawback compared to the select element: it won’t close if the user clicks outside the search results.

It’s a little bit annoying because the select elements have some pros and cons and the searches too. The product team is currently working on a way to standardize these elements so that you have all the pros and no longer have to explore different options to see which one might fit best with a few tweaks.

Hi @Joyce,

No problem, thank you again for your time.

Yes, I use the Search with results element already in my app. And will tweak it to my needs as you suggested, unless weweb’s team revamp the multiselect in a reasonable time frame? Any insight on this?

“…it won’t close if the user clicks outside the search results”: I guess I can tweak that behavior too.

Thanks again :pray: