Unneeded scrollbar in Select component

Hi there,

I am formatting the Select component in our design system and I can’t seem to get rid of the scrollbar on the right hand side of the options. This should only be showing if the height of the options exceeds the max height of the option container. Even in Free Layout, i can’t get rid of it.

Anyone fix this before through custom CSS or an option that I’m missing?

I just opened an issue a few days ago for this on support as a bug report

Yeah I am trying to make this look clean and it’s surprising difficult (border-radius around each option, small gap between the select input and the dropdown options, etc.)


I can confirm the ticket is in our pipeline and will most likely be looked into on Thursday (doesn’t mean it will be fixed on Thursday though ^^)

Great feedback! Just created a product ticket so the team has it in mind that the select elements could benefit from a better UX for design.

Thanks @Joyce! An ‘opened’ state on select inputs would also be very very cool, not to be greedy :rofl:

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haha duly noted and added to the ticket :smile:

Actually, as we are already talking about selects, and dropdowns,

one thing that I think is a basic need in a product like WeWeb and has been a huge pain in my dev life in WeWeb, is the lack of a proper (custom) dropdown element.

As of now, we have to make huge loops to detect click outside of custom made dropdowns with JS, that is very often unreliable, and not scalable to let’s say 10-20 selects, taking into account, that if you conditionally render your selects, the JS event listeners stop working.

It would be amaziing to have an element that would be two dropzones, one for the dropdown header and one for the dropdown itself, so we can go crazy with customizations. We have a sort of dropdown now, but it lacks the click outside of the select, which is a basic thing imo, also creating a variable for 20 elements (open state), is not that scalable either.

Ofc, I thought about creating my own with Vue and Custom Components, but you need a Workspace Plan for that.

So that might also be a product suggestion.

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Alright @Broberto, just added your comments to the product ticket

Lovely) Thanks! Selects and dropdowns definitely deserve some love.

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