True/false split issue

Hello, I have a small issue within a workflow I’m working on, that contains an true/false split : I set up a condition but it’s not working, and I struggle to understand why.

Here, the condition is asking if “Fourni - modify categorie - currentSelection” (multiselect dropdown input) is empty or not ? Maybe that’s not how to write it, but anyway, the condition returns “true” and the workflow is taking the “false” way.

Any ideas ?


Is it empty though?

yes haha

You can see bottom left (behind “go to last log”) that the variable is empty, the condition is “true”, but it still goes to "false

Hm, what I’d do is log the value of the select before the split. You can use the log action, or the Custom JavaScript action and console.log() it. This should tell you whether it’s empty for real :smiley:

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Okay so I’ve done what advised, maybe I’m doing it wrong, but I can’t use the result of the log action to my true/false split :sweat_smile:

Am I missing something ?

The logging thing is just to understand if it’s empty or not. I just wanted to see how the variable is set at the runtime.

What do you think ? Should I maybe separate actions in different workflows (“on change” for each input for example), whereas setting everything in one “on submit” trigger ?

Ok i’ve found the problem : I was using a variable twice for content observation and update. It’s maybe not very clear, but it’s finally working.
Thanks @Broberto for your reply, i’ve learned something about logs :slight_smile:

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