Hi folks!
I’m currently working in a side menu, and it already has its rules applied for display or not, responsiveness, etc., however, when the sidemenu display is “off”, shouldn’t it have some kind of transition or animation that are described in the same properties of the sidemenu element?
In the image below, I have “Animation” set to “appear from left” and some configurations for “transition”, but no matter what option I select, nothing happens when the menu is displayed or hid.
What am I missing here?
Hey @vhugozg
When I drop the Sidemenu component, the animation works fine when I toggle the Display on/off from the Specific properties.
I see that your Display property (in the display section) is bound to something. Have you perhaps put the isOpened variable there? Animations can’t happen on that property. The animation is built in the component only and working only when using its specific options 
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Spot on! I just deleted the condition from that display option and put into the specific one and it worked as you said. Thank you very much for your help!
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