Tablet Nav Bar a Disaster!

Hi everyone. Trying to get my Nav Bar to behave in Tablet (and eventually Mobile) breakpoints. As you can see from the Loom, its a disaster! :crazy_face:

Can anyone point me in the right direction please? Thanks!

What you see opening there on mobile is the menu, since on mobile all the links from navigation cannot fit and are placed inside the menu

I’m not sure exactly what’s going wrong in your case, but I think it could be wise to start with the nav bar from our UI Kit

You should take a look at what properties are changed on mobile(the ones that have green dots next to them)

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Thanks @luka. I had started with your Nav Bar but I guess all the changes I made over time broke something(s). I just added a fresh one and it is working. I will just have to carefully redo my changes, checking the breakpoints as I go.