Table row, show element on hover

Hi there,

I believe there was a topic like this already, but I can’t find it anymore.

I have a table with dynamic rows. First column has the name of a person.

On hover I want to show the contact details of the person. I use a variable for show hide, but now when I hover an item the contact details for all rows are shown.

My workarounds now for this are:

  • use the dropdown component, so show/hide it stays in the context of each row.l (works)
  • create a custom NoCode component for this, so show/hide stays in the context of each row (tried not yet, but should work I suppose.
  • Assign an ID attribute to the details element, based on the row id, and show/hide one when ID attribute matches the id of the specific row (not tried it yet, thinking about how to implement this exactly)

What would be the beste approach according to you all?

Hi @FHEXL :wave:

You can try creating an object variable to keep track of the states. This object would contain booleans for each row’s display, and then you could partially update the object to map each current boolean to each row. Does that help?

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I will try that. Thanks