Does the supabase upsert plugin only allow upserts into a table where every field that is being loaded must be a match with the target table in order for an update to happen? I cannot add conditions to only check for specific fields to match in order to trigger an update vs an insert? Thanks.
Could you send some more info about the workflows you’re doing?
my workflow is like insanely long but I was able to get it working using the supabase SDK:
const { data, error } = await wwLib.wwPlugins.supabase.instance
user_id: ‘blahblahblah’,
account_number: ‘12345’,
updated_at: new Date().toISOString()}, { onConflict: ['user_id', 'account_number'] }
Good job, might be doable with the plugin too, but yeah, the current supabase plugin is lacking a little in many things.