Supabase adding raw-user-meta-data doesn't seem to work anymore on sign-up

After the Supabase update today (which is great by the way) a few things stopped working for me unfortunately. For example I had to rebind the initial value of multiple text fields for some reason. Additionally, adding raw-user-meta-data to user doesn’t seem to work anymore. It worked fine for me before the update and I didn’t change anything. When I sign up now the raw-user-meta-data field is just an empty object.

Is anyone else facing this problem?

unable add new user in Supabase using Weweb, also no authenticated user is displaying under auth console.

same her :face_with_head_bandage:

error code “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘createUser’)”

Creating users works for me, just without the meta data. But under “Users - Manage authenticated users” it’s also not showing me any users, which previously worked.

@Joyce Could you maybe take a look at this?

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Make sure you check out the tooltips with the Documentation. Some structures might have changed. I’d tag @Alexis as he is I’m guessing the author of the plugin and also updated it.

Hi, thanks everyone for reporting it, the auth admin panel should works as expected now, let me know if you encounter any other issues.


@simonray the issue with the signup action has been fixed too, the metadata should correctly be saved now :slight_smile:


Perfect, thank you very much for the quick response!

Even now, i am not finding any authenticated user under “authenticated user management”. Also created a new user just now, not able to make him log in.

ERROR CODE 1 - stack: "TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘map’) at Object.getUserRoles ( at async Object.refreshAuthUser

ERROR CODE 2 - at async Object.signInEmail. have checked with Supabase, this user is showing with last Sign in value. Means it actually got logged in but stuck somewhere in the middle of a workflow. Team please have a look. Also i am hoping everything will be fine. After ample research we have landed on your platform. I appreciate you in advance for your support.

It seems to be a specific issue with your setup, please open a ticket on and we will give a look asap :slight_smile: