Submit button on Form container does not trigger the Submit workflow

Hello all,

I am facing an issue where I am unable to get the workflow triggered for ‘onSubmit’ action on a form to work in Preview mode. (Screen Recording attached) I can make it work in Debugger / Workflow mode

From the documentation, I have verified the following conditions are all met:

  • is the workflow on the Form container? Yes
  • is it triggered On submit? Yes
  • is the form button a Submit button? (check the Settings tab of the button) Yes
  • is the form button enabled? (check it’s not disabled in the Settings tab of the button) Yes
  • is the submit button inside the form container? Yes

Please note that I have a repeating element inside the form (inside the Education div block)

Screen Recording: Screen Recording 2023-11-23 at 11.05.58 - Google Drive

Hello @pravictor,

I think the issue is that you have a workflow on your section “Content”. So only this workflow is executed. If you want to keep this workflow, in the workflow of your form, you can add an action “Custom Javascript” with the code event.stopPropagation();

Let me know if it’s working :slight_smile:

Hi @Mael Thanks for responding. I tried doing what you suggested and I also tried deleting the workflow on “Content” to see if it solved the problem - however both did not work.

Could you create a ticket on this app? I will take a look

@Mael Thanks, I have done it.

In your form container, you have set some with required. But you have hidden these inputs. When you click on the submit button, nothing is happening because you didn’t fill all required field. And your browser can’t display the message to tell you that this input is required because you hide it


That seems to have been the issue - thank you so much!

I am really enjoying building on Weweb btw, it’s a great and intuitive product :slight_smile:

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Same issue here that Mael solved! I had bound data that was hidden. After I deleted those, button worked fine.