Structure of variables, collections and workflow

Hello everyone, I’ve been on weweb io for a few months, I know how to do a lot of things but as this world of development is new to me, I have a lot of difficulty with structure

For large applications, how do you separate variables, name them, separate collections and name the workflow?

When I do it, I feel like the names I give and how I separate my variables, etc., are very disorganized.

I wanted to understand how experienced people do it so that when someone takes my application to update, they understand the structure easily

Hey @enzocarmo
That’s a great question!
One of the things that I would like to do I interviewing expert WeWeb users and see how they work. Including how they structure there projects! I haven’t planned it yet, but will let you know :slight_smile:

What I like to do is organizing my folders by Flow (Authentication, Map…)
For naming:

  • variable & formulas: camelCase
  • workflow: PascalCase (but still wondering if just normal text won’t be better)

But in the end, I think what matters is consistency! And to that, add a bit of documentation and it’s great!

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Thanks for responding, and making a video like you mentioned, it’s really cool, I’m looking forward to it!

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