I know several people have posted on this but there arent really solutions yet as far as I can tell.( [Supabase] Switch between Production and Staging in one click - Tutorials - WeWeb Community) I don’t use no-code backends so im unsure of how they work but for normal backends, the service URLs of the dev, staging and prod envs are all different.
Replacing the tlds and subdomains to switch between env urls is easy enough with binding if you for example create an account with the user name “staging”, you can bind the staging URL to the presence of an authenticated account called “staging”. However, things get more complex with other things
Ie, when I have a production collection (ie. prod-url.com/api/get-user), I might have user-id as a query param in prod, but since I changed the endpoint to POST in staging, I am unable to test it in weweb. Id need to bind every value in each collection for this to work and I think its quite a big issue with the way weweb handles its production/staging environments. For staging, you should be able to define a fresh collection set and when pushed to prod it should again switch the base url from staging to prod and keep the changes youve made and validated in staging. Something like a simple CICD-like config pipeline would work here. With this, you could also auto set collections and workflows via a yaml file so you wouldnt need to bind anything or have the workarounds ive seen here. Could even have it integrated into traditional CICD tools like gitlab-ci or jenkins. That way, when you push new changes to your repo, the changes will be reflected in weweb.
If the above is not possible I am unsure of what value the staging environment provides as you can easily test the changes youve made in the editor directly. Would love some insights into what I might be doing wrong with the staging environment or if it has features im not aware of.