Simple way to display a single JSON object within an array in weweb table or similar

I am receiving information from my xano backend that I want to display in a table (its my own error log array).

As part of the information payload, there is an object of json information (within a section of the array).
The json data can be differnt for each message received (many varied fields), so I can’t simply break it down to view.

Is there a way to cleanly display this json object data in an element?

Hi @kdjamo :wave:

You could use the values formula to get all the values from each JSON in combination with a join formula to separate each value nicely.

Here’s a video showing you how that could work.

Does that help for your specific use case?

Thanks for your video training on showing JSON values. The formatting is nice where it breaks into a separate line for each item.
I am seeing if its possible to still show the key and the value?

With or without inverted commas would be OK either way.

Screenshot 2023-10-25 054031

If you want, you can just go and display your JSON directly, like this.
But I’m not sure if that’s what you’re looking for.

Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 20.50.49


omg why 3 spaces? why not 2 or 4? :exploding_head: :rofl:

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I hate even numbers, i often use 23, 13, or 3 :smiley: