Hello. In the trutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAwLSUByn-Y at 1:30, a workflow is shown in which a Sidemenu is opened / closed from an icon on mobile screens. A created an seemingly identical workflow at a press of a screen - button to get the same result on desktop. I used the same isOpened variable from the Sidemenu component and assigned ! isOpened to it. It does not work on desktop, though. Any ideas what can be wrong here? Can it be variable scoping? Greg
Hey @GregFalda
That may be because of how the Sidemenu is setup on different breakpoints.
If you look at the properties of the Menu element, you’ll see that in tablet and below, it is setup differently. If you want the same result, you’d need to transfert the styles you have in tablet breakpoint to desktop breakpoint (because WeWeb is desktop-first)
Hope that help
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