Server-side workflows

Hello everyone. Please give answers if you have experience in solving similar problems or it is provided in Weweb originally:

  1. My application needs to run workflows with large lists (e.g. change values of one field)
  2. My application needs to run complex workflows with mathematical functions, list comparisons

Does Weweb implement server-side workflows? Or do all workflows happen on the client side?

Weweb does not have server-side workflows, but it can be combined with any service that provides this (probably your data backend service, like Xano for example)

Weweb supports any JavaScript function available in a “normal” (meaning full code) web application, including Math functions.

I have seen quite complex workflow being implemented, so you should only be limited by the performance/UX of the browser itself.

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Thank you very much for your quick response. I didn’t get the notification right away.

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