The ‘Send credentials’ toggle makes our GQL integration possible. Any chance WW can add the same to Xano integration so credentials are sent with those requests also?
Hey, that’s a great idea, especially as we’re currently working on improving the Xano plugin. Please add it to and we’ll prioritize it asap
To understand better your usecase, you have an endpoint setting up a cookie and you want it to be sent automatically with the other requests coming from weweb, right ?
awesome, thank you @Quentin and @Alexis sorry for delay, i’m based in LA and was sleeping, ha. you guys are killing the game, keep up the great work. [just added to, @Quentin ]
yes, to summarize our use case:
- we have our ‘core’ backend which is integrated through GQL
- all authentication is handled through our core backend
- as a part of a successful authentication, a cookie is set on browser, before user allowed into WW environment
- thanks to the ‘Send credentials’ toggle within WW for GQL queries, those can be authed by our backend
- separately, we run some functionality through Xano
- like you’re saying, we need the requests being sent from WW → Xano to include the cookies as well so we can then implement the additional layer of auth to ensure Xano is only returning responses when user is authed
in short, whatever functionality is happening when ‘Send credentials’ is toggled on for GQL queries, we need the same functionality to go into effect when Xano queries are sent.
one last suggestion, if this toggle could be implemented at the Xano integration level as a universal option - in addition to the request level - that would be amazing.
hi @Alexis @Quentin any update on this functionality? eager to get it in place to ensure highest security.
Hi, we are in a qualification phase to implement many improvement for this plugin, we have your feature request in mind, it should be implemented in the feature batch we will develop and release. I can’t give you a release date but could be for the end of july or early august.
hi @Alexis hope you’re well. any update on the timing of this feature request? being able to ‘send credentials’ to xano will be great for improving overall security.
Hi, this feature is still discussed but we hope to release it in August.
We plan to release several improvement at once: Metadata API, custom headers, new actions…
hi @Alexis any update on this? I see lots of updates on the Xano integration, but I don’t seem to see the “Send credentials” toggle.
Hi! Yes, I did developed it but I figured out its not usable since Xano did not allow to manage CORS on their platform. And you cant send credentials to an external domain with CORS set to wildcard (*).
I sent a feature request to Xano but I’m still waiting for them to implement it.
hi @Alexis , dang thats too bad to hear. i appreciate you implementing it already! did the xano team give any indication about if/when they would implement this? i have been in conversations with them and can mention to them that we would greatly benefit from this right away.
I’ve re-launched the discussion as it’s 3 months old, hoping for progress, don’t hesitate to talk to them about it too, so they can see that it’s a blocker
hi @Alexis has Xano replied recently regarding this request? i can help reach out to them. do you have a ticket # that they provided or something i can reference so they know what i am asking about and trace it back to your original conversation?
CORS is now implemented in Xano
great spot, @Profound5753 thanks for flagging that.
@Alexis it appears Xano now supports setting allow_credentials = true on their platform. is this what you were asking them to implement? API Groups | Xano Documentation
if so, can you please enable what you built now so we can test it out?
hi again @Alexis sorry to bother you we are eager to implement this so we can further secure our application’s communication between WW → Xano. I’ve confirmed that our API groups can now support
allow credentials
(see below) so i’m hopeful this means what you’ve built will work. please advise. thanks!
Hi, sorry for the late response, I will ask the product team to push it into the short term roadmap
It will still have to be tested before being released
thank you for the update and for asking it be pushed into short term roadmap @Alexis
im happy to help be one of the first (i assume) to test in production once available.
hi @Alexis hope you’re doing well. do you happen to have an updated estimate re when this might be passed through product and released? Thanks!
Hi, as we updated our Xano plugin since, we have to update the hidden feature, it has been qualified and should enter the developer roadmap next week (or maybe the one after), you can expect it delivered for this month, I’m sorry for the delay, I hope it will works for you
We plan to add the toggle at the collection and request action level