Selected option in Select Field of DataGrid not sent to XANO DB

Hi there,

I’ve spend a long time trying everything, and I can’t find why all the fields of my Datagrid update nicely in Xano DB table, except the qualification type id, which is selected in inline edit mode.

It seems like the value of the selected option is not changed in the Event values on the field update, as shown in the screenshots below:

Has anyone run into the same issue?

Thanks immensely for your help.


I’m running into a similar or same problem.

If I set static options for the drop down (one of my columns is a boolean, so I manually set one option as true with a value of true, and the other as false) the inline edit works and passes the updated value to xano.

If I do what you are doing and use a formula data array with label and value pairs, the inline edit doesn’t change the value in xano. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: