Scrolling Section Issue

Issue here - Cannot get a container to scroll - Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom

Cannot get container to scroll at all. Tried setting multiple levels of parents to scroll and all the variations, and also set fixed heights etc.

Any thoughts? - Thanks - Jon

You answered yourself, if it’s set to shrink, it will always respect the parent’s height, so either, set it to grow, or to none (the X). Then you have to deal with the layout changing.

@Broberto thanks for the response man! But Ive tried both to no avail in the video. Neither will scroll. The only thing I can get to scroll is when I stretch the container beyond what the parent is (which i dont want to stretch, I want it to scroll)… What exactly should i do here lol?

You need to make the parent div, overflow scroll, and the child div (the scrollable content) to be overflowing the div, that’s the whole point of the overflow property, it handles overflows. Can’t scroll if nothing is overflowing.


Awesome man makes sense! I actually never understood how that part worked. @Broberto

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