Scroll to botton Chat

Hi WeWeb Community,

I’m currently working on a web app using WeWeb and I’m facing an issue with scrolling a container to the bottom. I want my chatContainerBox to automatically scroll to the bottom whenever new content is added. However, the solutions I’ve tried so far haven’t worked. Here is the JavaScript code I am using:

setTimeout(function() {
var element = wwLib.getFrontDocument().getElementById(‘chatContainerBox’);
if (element) {
// Scroll to the bottom by setting scrollTop
element.scrollTop = element.scrollHeight;
} else {
console.error(‘Message container not found’);
}, 0);

I have also tried using scrollIntoView, but it didn’t work either. Here is that code for reference:

var element = wwLib.getFrontDocument().getElementById(‘chatContainerBox’);
if (element && element.lastElementChild) {
element.lastElementChild.scrollIntoView({ behavior: “smooth”, block: “end” });
} else {
console.error(‘Message container or its last element not found’);

Despite these attempts, the container does not scroll to the bottom as expected. I could manage to scroll into top, but not to botton.

I tried to follow all the suggestions on other topics but I could not manage to work.

My message container (chatContainerBox) is on display flex.

Does anyone can help me?

Did you ever get this working? I’m trying to do this to using your first solution, but the scrollTop value is stuck at 0.

Because of the way weweb makes wrapper div’s, the scrolling actually is done in a hidden parent element, and not the element itself.

I’ve not found a direct way to name the parent element, so I’m using this method to search for the parent and scroll that

function scrollCollectionToTop() {
    const doc = wwLib.getFrontDocument();
    const collectionTable = doc.getElementById('collection_table');
    if (collectionTable) {
        let scrollableParent = collectionTable;
        while (scrollableParent && scrollableParent !== doc.body) {
            const style = window.getComputedStyle(scrollableParent);
            const overflow = style.getPropertyValue('overflow-y');
            if (overflow === 'auto' || overflow === 'scroll') {
                //console.log('Scrolling element to top:', scrollableParent);
                scrollableParent.scrollTop = 0;
            scrollableParent = scrollableParent.parentElement;
    } else {
        console.error('Collection table element not found');

// Usage
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I could not make it work
I will try @thomlov method :wink: