RestAPI Query String or Key/Values from Workflow Parameters

Hello, Is it possible to directly utilize the values of workflow parameters in a RestApi collection without needing to map them to context or global variables as key-value pairs?

Silly me. There is a RESTAPI request action that I can wrap around instead of using the collection.
Now, my question is if there would be any difference in using a RestAPI Collection vs making a RestAPI request in a workflow?

Hi @sleeusis :wave:

In WeWeb, collections are to GET data that might need to be paginated or filtered. You can still get data via a workflow but you won’t get some of the benefits of the collection. We usually recommend using workflows for other api calls like POST or DELETE.

We discuss this in a bit more detail here:

PS: in the case of Supabase as a data source, you actually have more options when using workflows, even for the get requests so that would be the exception where you might want to use workflows to fetch data instead of a collection. We explain a bit more why that’s the case here: Supabase database select | WeWeb documentation

Hope that helps!