Rendering Data using different HTML elements

I am working on a quizzing system. For each question, I have defined three types:

  • Multiple Choice (MC)
  • Short-Answer (SA)
  • Multi-component (has subparts, which are either MC or SA)

MC questions should render:

  • question stem
  • four boxes to choose option
  • an enter button.

SA questions should render:

  • question stem
  • input box
  • an enter button.

Multi-component should render with:

  • question stem, and
  • x MC components (as subparts of the question)
  • y SA components (as subparts of the question)

How do I define a workflow which first recognises the question type, and then renders HTML elements based on the question type as above? and for multi-components, it loops through the potential subparts, and renders components based on whether or not it is MC or SA?

Thank you very much!

Hi @rishdvn :wave:

This video should help: Display items under certain conditions - YouTube

If you have any follow up questions, please take some time to record a short video of what your database looks like and how you built your page(s) in WeWeb, what you tried and where specifically you’re stuck.

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