Proper Enterprise Level Support

I’m excited to see what new AI co-pilot will bring - BUT - I am also deeply concerned about WeWeb’s support roadmap.

An easier to build co-pilot will grow customers - and it will certainly grow more “non experienced developers” which will INCREASE the support load. And current support is … well … obviously could be much better. So … it does keep me up at night.

I PRAY there is a plan for proper, enterprise level support for customers building larger, more complex apps with teams of experienced developers.

The answer IMO is not “access to a slack channel” where the resources on that slack channel are told not to fix any bugs but stay heads down on new, yet to be released features.

Just expressing my concerns … happy to discus thoughts, opinions and ideas directly with anyone on WeWeb team.


I’m a huge fan of WeWeb, especially with the upcoming AI co-pilot features. It’s a brilliant idea to integrate AI generation directly into WeWeb so no-code users can still make tweaks in the editor - no more juggling multiple prompts in a purely code-based AI-generated app. It really is the best of both worlds.

However, our organization has over 2,000 employees and serves more than 500k customers per year, which makes me cautious about using WeWeb for business-critical apps. During my initial tests, I encountered several confirmed bugs that took nearly two months to fix because they were deemed low priority, even though they blocked my development. I’ve also experienced how new updates can sometimes break existing projects or cause short outages.

We’d happily pay more for a guaranteed level of support. I share @Mark_Pederson’s concern that the new AI feature could attract a large influx of budget-focused support-intensive users, adding more strain to an already stretched support team.

I’m truly rooting for the WeWeb team - you’ve built something remarkable. Please take this as constructive feedback: we want to give you more money and see you succeed! Just ensure there are sufficient support resources available for larger customers who are willing to pay for a higher level of support.


I literally received this response from support today - which is a horrifying response IMO to the fact that we can not deploy / publish. So … sure … happy to pay $490/month or whatever for enterprise support - but what’s the point if there are no resources available to resolve MISSION CRITICAL issues.

This is effectively saying … we can’t offer any support because we are only working on new, not yet released features. Which is the definition of INSANITY imo.


I share the concerns about the readiness for a possible influx of the new people. Have had issues in the past, got a better quality support recently, so gotta give them kudos for that.

But yeah, definitely there is this feeling in the air and a general consensus around the OG people who I know, that WeWeb has slowed down a lot in terms of not only support, but also marketing/community wise compared to when I joined quite some time ago. It really feels that the team actually shrunk, judging by the output and the activity, even though the hirings were announced.


@Mark_Pederson @ryanev

The community is not a place to vent or request features. We are focused on finding solutions for issues here. Yes, our team is focused on the Ai features because they are a game changer, it is our top priority now. Please accept that and keep the community friendly, without sharing screenshots.

We think you are having this deployment issue because you are using a library with a newer Vue version than the one in your project. When you have a lot of custom components, you’re more likely to run into some issues than using built-in WeWeb elements, we have also followed up with you on the online chat but you have not replied yet. The community is NOT the place for this.

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Damn man, I sometimes wonder how you got this job. This is really a terrible answer :sweat_smile: not gonna lie. It’s actually not the first time I see/hear about you answering very inappropriately to people I know/their customers. Might want to reconsider this.

Both of these guys spend around a few hundreds of USD with WeWeb - monthly - and you brush them off like this, telling them what to not do :sweat_smile: Might be me, but it sounds very rude, and I heard the same from a few people whom I work with regarding your answers in chat/community. I personally never had a problem with you, we all have bad days - me especially and very often, so I understand you, but I’m not a support guy representing a platform.


I am more passionate about WeWeb than just about anyone, but it’s so disheartening to see responses like this.

It’s hard to call this a ‘Community’ if you want people to be an echo chamber for only things you would like to hear. People are genuinely passionate about using the great product that WeWeb is. If people didn’t care, they wouldn’t post.

Literally all people want is to be heard, not to be shutdown. If you could at least hear the valid feedback both @ryanev and @Mark_Pederson have pointed out and be understanding-- then everything would be fine.


I’m doing to a long walk before I respond and regret it. Unacceptable.

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@danlopes please re-read my post (particularly the paragraph highlighted below). I was not venting, I was expressing interest in paying WeWeb more money. I want to go all-in with WeWeb.

I’m truly rooting for the WeWeb team - you’ve built something remarkable. Please take this as constructive feedback: we want to give you more money and see you succeed! Just ensure there are sufficient support resources available for larger customers who are willing to pay for a higher level of support.

Except we aren’t using the library causing the error anywhere in the project. If you are following the ticket - it’s seems that WeWeb is trying to install dependencies from cache.

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Without being part of this, but that was certainly not an answer that is building trust in the product or the company.

EDIT: Also when you run a community, it is for better or worse.


Yup. This is not how you win. A community is built on open-ness and trust. Ironically - I posted about a serious concern - and the response literary reinforcers my concerns.

I debated the sharing of the screenshot - and I did remove the name of the person who wrote it - but I just found it so bonkers to respond to a customer that way I had to share it to back up my concerns.


once the team has enough resources it would be interesting to expand about this.

my understanding is that custom code dependencies are merged with weweb dependencies with priority given to weweb so I am curious about this specific issue.

is it maybe because a different peer dependecy version specified in the custom code component?

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Hey Mariano! Happy New Year!!

This one is a head scratcher - our last deploy / build was 13 days ago before the team took their Holiday break (no issues) - guys come back today, Charles changes literally one color in a modal - and the build fails. Logs refer to a dependency used in a component that was removed months ago. Charles has since gone through all of our all custom components and none of them have the dependency any longer and deploy still fails. (and again - we have change nothing other than a color since the last no-issues deploy / build 13 days ago). It’s bizarre.

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happy new year Mark! :tada:

there are also transitive dependencies, so maybe another package has that as a dep?

(there is a lot of bizarre-looking stuff with deps and toolings :upside_down_face:)

I’ll have Charles triple-check all packages - but again - why would we have no issues with a deploying 13 days ago - and suddenly the issue??

I may be wrong, but one possibility that comes to mind is breaking changes (at least for the build system) in a minor version of a [transitive]dependency. usually a lockfile in the root of the component sets the deps version but maybe it’s not there or it’s not the case for your app.
isn’t there a unbuilt code export that you can try to build on your machine and see the error?

I will pass this thought along to Charles - he’s sleeping now. I sincerely appreciate your thoughts / inputs as always. :pray:


since I don’t know anything about your specific case I’ll be the preaching annoying person from Charles’ pov :sweat_smile:

I’m sure you’ll find the right solution with the help of the team :crossed_fingers:

Well … I have until EOD NYC time tomorrow to be able to deploy or I am seriously fu#@ed … so … trust me … nobody that is trying to help in ANY way is annoying. I am trying to remain “calm”.

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