Hello there,
My goal: Enable users on my app to view a PDF from the app, without having to download it.
What I implemented:
- I used the built-in PDFViewer module from weweb
- I binded the url returned by Xano for a PDF file i store in my table as a file ressource
- The URL returned by Xano for my file is in the format: https://172818182.p7.xano.io/vault/9Ifdh/ZiZHAIAIdjfozoz/n_sO5g../aws4_request%26X-Amz-Date%3D2QIZOOZZO450Z%26X-Amz-SignedHeaders%3Dhost%26X-Amz-Signature�a398aef7c792f5f.pdf
My issue: When loading the page containing the PDF Viewer, it automatically downloads file on the browser, instead of displaying it in the browser. The file isn’t even visible in the PDFViewer window.
Any idea how to make it work ?
Thanks a lot!