Pass date from one action to the next in workflow

Hi. I am very new to weweb and struggling out of the gate.

I can easily create the supabase auth table user, however, in my case, I also have a public.user_profiles table that stores extra information linked to other tables in the database.\

What is I am trying to achieve is the following:

  1. Sign up new user using supabase sign up workflow.
  2. Insert a new row into my public.user_profiles table that copies the id from step 1 into the userId column (a foreign key field) in order to link the 2 fields.
  3. Update the remaining fields, and another table) in the next step of the form.

My workflow is:

The user_profiles action uses Supabase Auth - [‘user’] as the formula for the public.user_profiles.userId field.

This adds the user to the auth database, but not the public one. Please could I get some direction here. Thanks

Bind the result of the first action instead of the Auth object data. You can find the result of every workflow action in the “Lightning bolt” tab next to your data and variables, when you’re binding.