Openid auth user object has no structure

We have managed to get a user logged in via open id. At least, it seems like they are logged in. They go through the login flow and end up on the logged in page.

However, when we try to use the user data we find that weweb has no awareness of the user schema. Further, we can’t find any evidence that weweb has actually stored any information related to the user despite using the openid “fetch user”. You can see the user object below. Note that it is null.

You can see the login button flow we are using below, for reference:

Hi @isaacmartin :wave:

Could you provide us with more information, maybe a video showing a user logging in and how the plugin is configured?

On your screenshot, I see the isAuthenticated variable is false so it seems to me the login failed despite the redirection to the logged in page.

Here is a video for you:

Hi, you shouldn’t add any workflow action after the Login with Redirect. When redirected your leaving your webapp to go through your Auth provider, then you come back to your chosen redirection page and we will finish the login and call fetch user ourself on App load.

Could you share with me your project link by editing your support ticket so I can give a look ? Thanks

Sorry I had already edited the ticket before seeing this message and the ticket is now locked until weweb responds.

Hi @isaacmartin :wave:

We just published an article on how to use the OpenID plugin. We used Google OAuth as an example but hopefully it can help.

Not sure about your provider but with Google OAuth, you don’t need the Fetch User action in the workflow. The login action is enough to authenticate the user and get their profile, provided you’ve included the profile in the scope of the plugin configuration.

Does that help?