On the usefulness of form containers

Hi! First of all, I realize this is not just a WeWeb question, since form containers are an HTML feature.

Still, I’m wondering: in the WeWeb learning materials and documentation, it’s recommended to use form containers to collect user input data. It’s also said that a “submit” type button should be used but the form submission workflow should be attached to the form container. The reason given for this is that it’s better for data validation.

My question is simply: why is this the case? It seems to me that I can just collect input data in various input fields, aggregate it in an object variable if needed, use a regular button to trigger the submission, and do all the data validation I need as part of the workflow. Am I missing something? How and why is using a form container best practice?

Thank you!

If you do it the recommended way you don’t need to setup validation manually in the frontend, because you get the native browser validation automatically.

You should still implement backend validation though.