Not a weweb question, but maybe someone here can help….
I’m sending mail from Xano using sendgrid. Most of the time is ends up in spam, or blocked.
I talked with sendgrid support, and they weren’t much help. They said I could buy a static ip instead of using their group ip’s, but since I’m only sending like 30 emails per month, that it would not work because the domain wouldn’t stay warm.
Does anyone know of a reliable way that I can send email to ensure it’s mostly delivered with low volume?
These are highly important financial emails, so it’s important that they go through.
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Hey @kevinwasie.
I feel your pain. I shared some more thoughts here on the whole “SendGrid doesn’t help with deliverability thing”.
In this case, I would recommend using Postmark over SendGrid. They promise to handle deliverability whereas SendGrid puts that burden on the user.
With Postmark, there’s no upcharges—and we’d never upsell you to a higher plan or a dedicated IP to improve deliverability. You get great deliverability and reliable (and fast!) support with every Postmark plan. (link)
- Free developer plan w/ 100 test emails per month
- 10k emails per month (their lowest plan) is $15 per month
Full disclosure: I’m still using SendGrid, as when I ran into this problem, we were already deep into the integration. However, I know @carri uses Postmark.
hi guys
I need to start sending emails to my users when on certain actions.
The current limit of weweb doesnt work for us as we do send more than 10 emails per hour. nor regularly, but when a user creates a product on our system. We would love to send them emails where we can insert the Product number and they click on the product number in the email and it takes them straight to the weweb page.
- can you recommend which platform we should use (sendgrid, Postmark, etc)
- is there any documentation for the option to use Sendgrid with dynamic emails? I can send very basic emails from weweb through sendgrid, but not having much luck with dynamic emails from weweb to sendgrid.