(NEW) How to apply CSS globally, at the app level?

Hello Community!

I’m wondering how to load global CSS onto our website, especially for having a custom scrollbar.

Currently, we’re using this snippet that we store in a WeWeb hosted file:

CSS code

body {
    scrollbar-color: #001426 #F1EDE2;
    scrollbar-width: thin;

We were thinking of taking the URL of this file and adding it into a <link> tag to apply it globally at the app’s setting level.

Unfortunately, I can’t find where exactly:

Thanks for your help !

Then you include it the header.

My bad let me try

But, you want to include a by link or by code?

I was thinking to use a link but a code works fine I assume !

I’ll tried this out !

Thank you !

Just play around with the custom code for header and body.
I have actually the same problem. ¯_(ツ)_/¯