Network Error 502 | (WeWeb + Xano)

I am getting a 502 error with one specific call if I re-fetch it a couple of times.

Video - Jam

The network logs say it’s a CORS issue, but why does the call run thrice before throwing the error?

Edit: I’ve tried flipping the ‘Include credentails’ toggle in WeWeb - no luck. I’ve also edited the CORS policy in Xano for the API group


It’s probably a false flag (meaning CORS is not the real issue). It happened to many users already, each time it was related to some Xano internal error, please reach them out. If the request is sometimes working and sometimes not then it’s very likely a xano related issue.

Example of another related thread => Network Error in Weweb with Xano - #26 by garcilaso

Also we recently helped a customer with this, by upgrading his xano instance it solved the issue.

This was resolved by upgrading from Launch to Scale 1X plan
Thank you @Alexis for the help

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We had exactly the same. Solved by upgrading Xano plan.

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