I’m a WeWeb beginner with a tech background. Currently, I’m nocoding the authentication part of my future app, using Supabase (and the Auth plugin) as the back-end.
The register/login/logout part works well, thanks for the JK video tutorials.
Following the WeWeb docs, I’ve implemented the roles part, and I’m facing issues. The make things more simple for the time being, I disabled RLS on all my tables. I know it’s not a good practise, but I need to check step by step where the problem is.
In WeWeb Supabase Auth plugin setup, I selected the tables related to roles management, and it works.
My roles table contains 4 roles which are all fetched by WeWeb (Auth → Roles)
But on WeWeb → Auth → Users, the console shows an error 400 and my 2 users accounts are not fetched:
I’ve tried to change the user_roles table to userRoles, and the xxx_id to xxx_Id, to reflect exactly what’s on the tutorial (even if I guessed the problem was not this one), and…it works !!!
So for everyone reading this message, you must respect the naming convention shown in the tutorial for the roles, user roles, tables and their fields.