I am trying to make an input placeholder that is multiline like this
when i use this formula as the placeholder, the placeholder is a single line. when i use the same formula for the inti value, the init value is multiline.
is this not possible at this timee?
This seems more tricky than it should be, but I dont think it is a weWeb issue.
It looks like a browser issue/design that does not seem to follow the initial standards.
Not to get technical… but this article says that the browsers should recognize and display carriage returns… but they dont (based on google and stackoverflow posts of others trying to solve this)
The intent of the placeholder is to be a short hint. So maybe consider adding some text before or after to help aid in its completion? I have seen some apps add a little ? icon that when hovered provides more context to those that need it.
I have tried using some of the JS hacks from stackoverflow, but they didnt work for me.
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As @twinsticks pointed it out, it’s how browsers display text.
To have a linebreak, you’ll need to add an HTML linebreak to your text: <br>: The Line Break element - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN
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