More @events on everything?

Are there any plans of implementing more events to trigger workflows? Or even custom emits?

Example: I’ve been struggling all day today, trying to create a google search like dropdown, that would be 100% in terms of UX. I’ve landed on a solution, by using blur and focus events, but blur actually fires before click, so on click on my dropdown, no event is registered. If I had the mousedown event (which fires first) this would’ve been 1 minute fix.

I’d like to see more events, like drag etc. I know you can actually do this with attributes, but you can’t trigger workflows with attributes so easily.

Are there any plans to enrich the events by some more of them?

I’ll probably send a feature request, my only question is, is there any way to follow the progress on these @Joyce / @Mael ? I know Mael actually closed one of my bug tickets (uderstandably - it was rather a product ticket) but it would be great to follow the progress, and maybe be more involved as users in the tickets?

Not at the moment. We’ve been working on making this possible but haven’t had a chance to prioritize it yet.

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