Modal within a component

Hi there,

Is it possible to have a modal within a component?

We have a bar with multiple Inputs that should be in a Modal when the screen size is small for UX purposes.

Right now when selecting a modal, the modal always automatically get’s outside of the component.

Thank you!

Hi @TomCargolo :wave:

You could create your own custom modal and have it inside a component but the modal component we have in the Add menu is actually a section which cannot be turned into a component.

It’s a great use case though, probably something we should look to improve. Let me create an internal ticket so the product team can explore further.


Hi Joyce,

thank you for your Input.
By creating your own custom modal you mean working with a fixed position div that is 100% width and 100% height?

Thank you!

Yes please, this would be a great enhancement!

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Hi @Joyce, quick question:

Is there any ETA for this?

Thank you, looking forward to hear from you. :slight_smile:

We need this Joyce

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it’s now live via the “Dialog”!

Thank you @luka !

Let me know if you have any feedback :slight_smile: