Modal not working properly?

Hey All. I have a modal dialog that’s working fine except for 2 things:

  • The modal isn’t covering the entire screen (the header is still showing even though the modal is at the top of the Elements tree).

  • Second thing is that I’m able to scroll the background page behind the modal. So the modal doesn’t seem to be modal at all. Any suggestions?

What is the z-index of the navigation and the modal? The modal one should be bigger

And yes typically to prevent scrolling when a modal is opened you need to add overflow hidden to body with some js

thanks @luka The header was set to a higher z axis, so when I reduced that, the modal covered the header as expected. WRT needing JS to make the modal behave like a modal - that is a bug of the modal element IMO. @Quentin @flo @Joyce Weweb team should consider fixing that modal element so the page behind doesn’t scroll when modal is open…

@luka What JS specifically? I don’t know JS…

add this when opening the modal:

if (context.browser?.["environment"] != "editor") {
  wwLib.getFrontDocument() = "hidden";
  wwLib.getFrontDocument() = "hidden";

and this when closing the modal

if (context.browser?.["environment"] != "editor") {
  wwLib.getFrontDocument() = "auto";
  wwLib.getFrontDocument() = "auto";

this will only apply in the published app, if you want to test it in editor remove the if part

we are also going to update the modal element, in the meantime you can use the above solution

thanks Luka. I’m still building my app so its not published yet. Two questions about your reply:

  1. Where exactly do I add this code?
  2. Do I just add wwLib.getFrontDocument() = “hidden” when opening and wwLib.getFrontDocument() = “auto” when closing?

You have to also do the wwLib.getFrontDocument() too

You put it on the workflow opening the modal

Thanks so much for your help Luka. That answers question 1. Sorry for the noob question, but I don’t know JS. If I want to remove the IF statement temporarily to test in the editor, what would the correct JS be?

wwLib.getFrontDocument() = "hidden";
wwLib.getFrontDocument() = "hidden";
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@luka Was the modal element ever updated to fix this or do we still need to add the JS?

Still needs JS, i will make a ticket to add this option as an action in workflows

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@luka is the action to prevent scroll of main page (body) when modal opened already available?

No, you need to do it with code for now like mentioned above

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@luka I am noticing that my sticky top nav bar is no longer sticky after opening and closing a modal that has this custom JS applied. Any way to fix that please?

@luka Any ideas please?

Were releasing the new Dialog tomorrow which can replace your Modal. I will dm you once thats live so you can test it


Awesome thanks!

It’s live, let me know if it works for you.

@luka Thanks, but changing over to a new element would have been a LOT of work for me. Thankfully ChatGPT helped me solve it, after a lot of trial and error. This is what I ended up with, the change being to force layout recalculation on modal close:

Modal Open

const frontDoc = wwLib.getFrontDocument(); = "hidden"; = "hidden";

Modal Close

const frontDoc = wwLib.getFrontDocument(); = "auto"; = "auto";
frontDoc.body.offsetHeight; // Force layout recalculation