Mobile Apps and webapps redirects and sessions

Hey there !
I would like to know if it’s possible to redirect a user from a webapp to an app using his session.
Here is the thing : I would like to redirect the user from the webapp to the mobile app and keep the user loggedin. Seems not the best practice to do so, so I thought about :
In the app, provide SSO-like so the user clicks on a button ‘login’ that opens a webview then once loggedin redirects to the mobile app. (I am thinking deeplinking the redirect URL should be fine ?).

Anyone has dealt with this before ?
I just want to handle the Authentification flow exclusively on the webapp if possible ! Thanks !

Have a good one !

Hi @Philibert

By “mobile app” you mean a PWA WeWeb app or a native app?

Hi ! @danlopes I mean a native app (iOS for now)